Field of Dreams Dolche Vita   

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18.03.08 Opening of a site !!!!! 18.04.08 Today came Piret and we have made racks ( Jessi 6 months and 21 day ) FOTO : <<1>> <<2>> <<3>> 25.04.08 In this day, in the evening we as have usually gone to walk. It is not planned with us there was a camera. We have arranged Jessi photosession in our favourite wood. Walked three together. But suddenly on horizon have appeared Lote(Field of Dreams Deja Vu) and Kersti. It was very unexpected and pleasant meeting. In fact last time we saw 10.02.08. And we live through road from each other. Here so :) In "GALLERY" the picture story >>> 00.00.00 ...... -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ©Irina Hromina Tallinn 2008